Reframe Your Thinking
Life, Wellness, and Nutrition Coaching
Why Echeveria?
When I think of succulents, I think of hardiness. You can give a succulent long days in the sun, very little water, wide variations between day and night temperatures, and not only will they survive, they will thrive.
You can take a cutting of the plant and put it in soil, or even in a damp paper towel, and it will root. In a season or two, you will have another plant, full, robust, and beautiful, from one small leaf.
Succulents have a good philosophy towards life: they will thrive, and look good doing it, no matter what you throw at them.
So how does this relate to you? With a skilled coach, anyone can be guided in reframing their thinking. Learning to choose to see how you can thrive in an environment – or when it is time to snip off a leaf and plant yourself elsewhere – is an acquired skill.
At first, reframing your thinking will require effort, but a good coach can give you coping skills and tasks that help you stay on track. Over time, these new habits will require little effort and you will find success and fulfillment come easily.